Activ is concerned about potential impacts of a report that could threaten the viability of the Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE) model

Activ is concerned about recent correspondence between the Department of Social Services and the Fair Work Commission which expresses doubt about the long-term viability of the ADE model in light of proposed changes to the award for supported employment.

This correspondence, which is publicly available on the Fair Work Commission’s website, expresses concerning feedback in response to a report into the proposed changes.

Specifically, the feedback states that, “the proposed changes to the Award would have a significant impact on viability for Australian Disability Enterprises (ADEs)”.

The report was produced following a trial of a new wage structure for supported employment. Activ was a willing participant in this trial. While the report is yet to be released, Activ believes it should be made available immediately to ensure both providers and participants can comment and make recommendations.

ADEs play an important role, providing employment opportunities for people with disability who may otherwise struggle to secure employment that fits their unique needs.

Importantly, the supported employment landscape has undergone significant change in recent years. Activ continues to work closely with State and Federal governments and the National Disability Insurance Agency to ensure that any changes made to the ADE model, including its structure, funding and delivery, support employment outcomes for people with disability.

Activ is committed to advocating on behalf of all our customers, and we support the needs and rights of people with disability more broadly. Supporting people to find and maintain a place to work is an integral part of our Independence strategy. We will continue working with government, our customers, the Fair Work Commission, and other service providers to strengthen the ADE model and ensure its longevity.

Activ respects and appreciates the work of the Fair Work Commission and acknowledges the tribunal’s place in ensuring people are fairly and reasonably compensated for their work. Activ looks forward to the opportunity to review the report into the Fair Work Commission’s proposed changes to the award for supported employment.