Why is NDIS pre-planning important?

Applying for NDIS funding can be a little overwhelming, as the process can sometimes be confusing, with a lot of new terminology to learn and understand. Fortunately for NDIS participants, if they enlist the help of an industry expert, then they’ll receive valuable professional insight into how the NDIS works and learn how to make the most of their plan.


What is the NDIS and how does the process work?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a relatively new method of providing funding for people with disability. The scheme creates support packages which suit the individual requirements of each participant, ensuring they receive the services they need to achieve their goals.

To receive NDIS funding, you need to complete an application process, and once you’ve received your funding, you can engage both registered and unregistered NDIS service providers to deliver your services.

However, there are specific eligibility requirements you need to meet in order for you to receive NDIS funding: your needs must be determined as ‘reasonable and necessary’.


How can an NDIS provider help you navigate the NDIS?

Pre-planning sessions for NDIS planning meetings

An NDIS planning meeting is incredibly important. This is when you meet with an NDIA planner or Local Area Coordinator (LAC) to discuss the creation or renewal of your NDIS plan. During the meeting, your planner will collect all the evidence and information needed to determine the funding that you require. Arriving for this meeting unprepared can mean that you may not have the necessary evidence to prove your needs. Attending a pre-planning session with an NDIS service provider before your planning meeting, can help you avoid this situation.


Getting an NDIS plan

The NDIS process can be complex, so it’s extremely beneficial to have an expert to help you understand the terminology and explain how the application process works before you apply. A professional opinion from someone at a registered NDIS service provider can save you from making common mistakes and ensure you have the right documentation for your NDIS planning meeting. This way you’ll feel confident and prepared when you enter the meeting.


Understanding your existing NDIS plan

If you already have an NDIS plan, a pre-planning session with an NDIS provider can still be helpful. There may be other services that you have been unable to get funding for, or you may not be aware of all the support options available to you. An expert will make sure you’re getting everything you can out of your NDIS plan by helping you prepare for your next NDIS plan review meeting.


Reaching your goals

An NDIS pre-planning session is the perfect time to figure out what services you need to achieve your goals. Doing this before your NDIS planning meeting is important, so that you know what you need to ask for, and why, when you arrive. In your pre-planning session, you will learn how to translate your personal goals into funding and services.


Choosing a provider for your pre-planning meeting

It’s important to choose the right NDIS service provider in WA for your pre-planning. Activ is an experienced registered NDIS provider in WA, offering free pre-planning sessions for anyone looking to apply for NDIS funding. We can help you prepare properly for your NDIS planning meeting or plan review meeting, ensuring that you receive all the supports you require. So, when you’re ready to apply for an NDIS plan, or prepare for your plan review, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team.

Click here to get your free NDIS pre-planning guide.