What does a disability service provider do?

For many people accessing funding for disability services in WA, all the industry terminology can be a bit confusing. You may be wondering what a disability service provider does, whether yours needs to be registered with the NDIS, and what services they will offer you. If you’d like to find some answers and feel more prepared when you start your NDIS journey, read on!


What is a disability service provider?

A disability service provider is a business, organisation, or person who provides funded disability support services – usually the funding comes from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Disability service providers have different specialist experience and can be anything from a large company or charity to a small not-for-profit.


Do I need a registered provider?

Some disability support providers are registered with the NDIS and this means they have met firm government safety and reliability requirements. If your plan is self-managed or managed by a plan manager, then you can choose whether you want an NDIS-registered provider or a non-registered provider. However, if your funding is managed by the National Disability Insurance Agency, then your provider must be registered.

Although a participant may choose a non-registered provider in order to keep a support worker they have been working with for years, there are many benefits to choosing registered providers. Registered disability support providers have accountability measures and safeguards in place, which is incredibly important for protecting the rights of people who receive intellectual disability support.


What services do they provide?

The services offered by disability service providers differ depending on which provider you choose. However, there are some general categories that NDIS-funded services fall under.

NDIS Pre-Planning

Pre-planning is an essential part of beginning your journey with the NDIS. It involves attending a pre-planning meeting with a disability service provider, who helps you to prepare for your plan meeting with an NDIS Planner or Local Area Coordinator, where you’ll discuss what services you need included in your NDIS plan. Pre-planning helps you understand the NDIS and translate your goals into funding and services.


One of the main services a provider can offer is supported accommodation to help you live independently. There are usually both shared and independent living options, as well as Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) for people with high support needs.


The NDIS focuses on helping people with disability to socialise and participate in the community, therefore community access programs are an important service to provide. They include one-on-one or group supports and create opportunities where you can connect with your community and meet new people.

Short-Term Accommodation

This type of accommodation is often referred to as ‘respite’ and is short-term support offered to people of all ages both in and out of the home. Usually the facilities are purpose built and expert staff are there to support you 24 hours a day.


Finding employment is a vital part of achieving independence, so supported employment services assist participants while they work towards this goal. While working in your chosen industry, expert staff will support you as you gain confidence and skills.

Education & Training

Supporting education and training is another way that providers help participants gain skills and independence. Some disability service providers offer nationally recognised courses that can help you reach your education goals.


How can Activ support you?

Activ is a registered disability service provider with over 70 years of experience in intellectual disability support services. We’re here to support you to use your NDIS funding to achieve your goals and increase your independence.

We provide all of the services mentioned in this article, ensuring that you have access to a wide-range of disability support services in WA.

If you’re looking to apply for NDIS funding and will be needing disability support in WA, contact our friendly team.